Jinu Nam 남진우

Jinu Nam (b.1985, Seoul) has a craving for the mysterious mollusk, Giant squid, or the sea monster Kraken, the ancestor of it. He also enjoyed watching the animations starring robots, and in this kind of hero series usually consists of good and bad characters. The good character is usually portrayed as a beautiful person, but the bad character often has a strange appearance. Nam's work is about a being that has become a 'monster' in a world where justice does not apply. He creates his own kingdom full of Giant squid and expresses it in bright colors. He also borrows the style and structure of the medieval illustrations from the bible that have clear structures of good and evil. Heroes in his works have the characteristics of both angels and demons, revealing an unclear boundary between goodness and evil. His work is about hopes to save himself in an absurd world.

Jinu Nam studied painting at Hongik University in Seoul. He held solo exhibition at EDIT Projects(Seoul, 2023), Osisun(Seoul, 2022), Willing n Dealing(Seoul, 2021), Out_sight(2021), Art Museum Versi(Yongin, 2020), Gallery Doll(Seoul, 2018), participated in a number of group exhibitions such as '2021 Young Korean Artists' at National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art(2021), Cheonan Art Museum(2021), Alternative Space Loop(2019), Daegu Art Museum(2019), Beijing Commune(2019).





Born 1985, Seoul, Korea

Works and Lives in Seoul, Korea


2011 BFA, Hong-ik University, Fine Art, Seoul, Korea  


2023 Monsters, EDIT Projects, Seoul, Korea  

2022 Strange Trees, Osisun, Seoul, Korea  

2021 Dreadful Beauty, Willing n Dealing, Seoul, Korea  

2021 The way to Eden, Out_Sight, Seoul, Korea  

2020 Unrealistic Kingdom, Art Museum Versi, Yong-in, Korea

2018 Another Monster, Gallery Doll, Seoul, Korea  

2014 Unrealistic Kingdom, Artspace Nam.K, Seoul, Korea  
2014 Clown Squid, Gallery Fango, Cottbus, Germany  
2013 Unrealistic Kingdom, Seogu Cultural Institute, Daejun, Korea  
2012 Unrealistic Kingdom, Hwabong Gallery, Seoul, Korea  
2011 1st Solo Exhibition, Gallery Golmok, Seoul, Korea  



Mystery Play of Romanticist, Willing n Dealing, Seoul, Korea  

The Post-Analog Tendencies of the MZ Generation, Osan Museum of Art, Osan, Korea



Dream+monster, Cheonan Art Center, Cheonan, Korea

Young Korean Artists, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea



Gi Uc Jang Chi - Virtual memory, Alternative Space LOOP, Seoul, Korea

So Serious?, Binzip Project, Seoul, Korea

SUMMER GROUP SHOW, LKIF Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Scenographic Imagination, Beijing Commune, Beijing, China

POP/com, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea



So S[iries], Gallery Choi, Seoul, Korea



WE SHAPE CLAY INTO A POT, Frappant E.V., Hamburg, Germany

Cross-reacting Confession, Iksan Creation Center, Iksan, Korea
Historic Images Formed from Indivisual Memories, Zaha Museum, Seoul, Korea 



The Memory Politic, Zaha Museum, Seoul, Korea  



Neue Empiriker (New Empiricists), Zaha Museum, Seoul, Korea  
and more.


2016 LEE galerie BS, Berlin, Germany
2015 Iksan Creation Center, Iksan, Korea
2014 Halle 14(Spinnerei), Leipzig, Germany


National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), Gwacheon, Korea

Art Museum Versi, Yong-in, Korea

Colección Solo, Madrid, Spain