Lee Hyein 이혜인

이혜인 (b.1981, Korea)은 자신을 둘러싼 환경과 교감하며 개인적인 경험, 느낌, 기억을 담아낸 작업을 선보여 왔다. 작가는 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 중첩된 기억과 경험의 흔적을 화면 안에 담아내며, 이번 《내면의 초상》전에서는 기억의 풍경 속 인물 작업들과 함께 신작 연작 <무명 無名_ Y.R.B.P.>네 점을 선보인다. 이번 신작은 작가가 느끼는 내면의 감각을 명확히 들여다보려는 시도로, 기존의 작업 방식에서 벗어나 새로운 접근 방식을 시도하고 있다. 노랑-빨강-파랑-보라 순으로 레이어를 만들고, 캔버스 표면에 종이와 손을 사용하여 흔적을 남기는 과정에서 의도치 않은 결과물을 마주한 작가는 한 번도 경험해 보지 못한 무명의 장소, 누군가의 내면세계로 이동하는 경험을 하게 된다.
이혜인(b. 1981)은 서울대학교 미술대학 서양화과를 졸업하고, 동 대학원에서 석사 과정을 수료했다. 뮤지엄 헤드, 신도문화공간, 대구미술관, 갤러리 기체, 뉴욕 소피아스 트리(Sophia’s Tree), 두산갤러리 뉴욕, 베를린 쿤스트러하우스 베타니엔(Künstlerhaus Bethanien) 등에서 주요 개인전을 개최하였으며, 국립현대미술관, 서울시립미술관, 세종문화회관 미술관, 두산갤러리 뉴욕, 학고재갤러리, 하이트컬렉션 등에서 열린 다수의 그룹전에 참여했다. 2007년 송은미술대상전에서 입선하고, 중앙미술대전에 선정되었으며, 2012년 종근당 예술지상을 수상했다. 그녀의 작품은 국립현대미술관, 부산시립미술관, 부산현대미술관, 대구미술관 등에 소장되어 있다.

Lee Hyein (b. 1981, Korea) has consistently presented works that reflect her personal experiences, feelings, and memories through interactions with her surrounding environment. She captures the traces of layered memories and experiences on her canvas over an extended period. In this exhibition Inner Portrait, Lee showcases new works, including a series titled Nameless 無名_ Y.R.B.P., which consists of four pieces. These new works represent an attempt to closely examine the artist's inner sensations, stepping away from her previous methods to explore new approaches. By creating layers in yellow, red, blue, and purple, and using paper and hands to leave traces on the canvas, Lee encounters unintended results that transport her to previously unexplored, nameless places and the inner worlds of others.


Lee Hyein (b. 1981) graduated from the Department of Western Painting at Seoul National University and completed her master's degree at the same institution. She has held major solo exhibitions at Museum Head, Shindo Cultural Space, Daegu Art Museum, Gallery Giche, Sophia's Tree in New York, Doosan Gallery New York, and Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin. She has also participated in numerous group exhibitions at institutions such as the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul Museum of Art, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Doosan Gallery New York, Hakgojae Gallery, and the Hite Collection. Lee was selected for the Song Eun Art Prize in 2007, recognized in the JoongAng Art Exhibition, and won the Chong Kun Dang Art Award in 2012. Her works are included in the collections of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Busan Museum of Art, Busan Museum of Contemporary Art, and Daegu Art Museum.




Born 1981, Seoul

Works and Lives in Gyeonggi



2007 MFA in Painting at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

2005 BFA in Painting at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea



Museum Head, Seoul, Korea


Gallery Kiche, Seoul, Korea


Sindoh Art Space, Seoul, Korea


Gallery Kiche, Seoul, Korea

Sophie’s Tree, New York, USA


Doosan Gallery New York, New York, USA

Banjul–Schale, Seoul, Korea


Daegue Art Museum, Daegu, Korea

Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany


Brain Factory, Seoul, Korea

2010 - 2007

UNC Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Pyo Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Woo Seok Hall, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea





EDIT Projects, Seoul, Korea


PIBI Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Space ISU, Seoul, Korea

New spring’s project, Seoul, Korea


Art Center Art Moment, Seoul, Korea

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea

Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea

Hite Collection, Seoul, Korea

Museum Head, Seoul, Korea


WESS, Seoul, Korea

SoSo Gallery, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Daegu Museum of Art, Daegu, Korea


Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea

Doosan gallery New York, New York, USA

Sejong Center, Seoul, Korea


Project Fulfill Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan

Gong won, Seoul, Korea

Datz Museum of Art, Gwangju, Korea

Gyeonggi SangSang Campus, Suwon, Korea



Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival, Korea

Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea

Baik Art Seoul, Seoul, Korea


Seoul Art Space_Geumcheon_PS 333, Seoul, Korea

Doosan Gallery, Seoul, Korea

HITE Collection, Seoul, Korea


National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan

Blume Museum of Contemporary, Paju, Korea

Goyang Aramnuri Aram Museum, Goyang, Korea


Danwon Art Museum, Ansan, Korea

Seoul City Museum of Art Project Gallery, Korea

DOOSAN Gallery Seoul, Seoul, Korea

2013 - 2012

Incheon Art Platform, Baekryung-do etc., Korea

Zaha Museum, Seoul, Korea

Gallery Palais de seoul, Seoul, Korea


Nanji Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea

Gallery Being, Seoul, Korea

UNC Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2010 - 2009

Project Space SARUBIA DABANG, Seoul, Korea

Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

Alternative Space BANDI, Busan, Korea

Gallery IHN, Seoul, Korea



National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea


Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation, Suwon, Korea

Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea

Hangaram Art Museum of Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea

2005 - 2003

Gallery 175, Seoul, Korea

Space Cell, Seoul, Korea

Floating_Hannam–dong Project, Seoul, Korea


2018 18th Street Art Center residency program, USA

2017 SINAP (Sindoh Artist Support Program), Korea

2015 Doosan New York Residency program

(supported by Doosan Yonkang Foundation), USA

2014 Geumcheon Residency Artist, Korea

2012 Jonggeundang Art Prize 2012, Korea

2012 Kunstlerhaus Bethanien residency program

(supported by Arts Council Korea), Berlin, Germany

2011 Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Korea

2011 5th Nanji Art Studio(by Seoul Museum of Art), Korea

2010 Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation, Korea

2009 5th The National Art Studio Goyang, Korea

2007 Joongang Fine Art Prize(selected), Korea

2007 Song Eun Art Prize, Korea


Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea, Korea

Daegu Art Museum, Korea

Busan Museum of Art, Korea

Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, Korea

Doosan Gallery, Korea